Entrepreneurs manifesto launched

Julie Meyer, CEO of Ariadne and founder of First Tuesday, the global networking forum for entrepreneurs, said: “At a time when in the Irish referendum the European Constitution has once again been rejected by the people when given a free vote, there is a need for a new core set of values and beliefs, around which Europeans should build their society and the wealth that sustains it. I believe the Entrepreneur Country Manifesto will

resonate strongly with the people who are creating real, sustainable growth in the UK and Europe.”

The launch took place on June 17th in London at an event attended by 400, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and other private investors. There Ariadne spelt out its 15-point manifesto.

The exercise hinges on the notion that the entrepreneur is a key component of Europe’s creative, financial and social landscape. It states that “the entrepreneur creates intellectual and financial wealth through which the entire society benefits and progresses, and so entrepreneurs and their teams should be rewarded accordingly for taking the risks that they do [and which the rest of society chooses not to] but from which it still benefits.”

Meyer said: “Ten years into the commercial internet’s take-off, the UK and Europe have become increasingly a place where leadership, innovation and wealth creation are possible. We decided to launch ‘Entrepreneur Country – where breakthrough moments triumph over near-death experiences’’- as a further spur to this, bringing the leading business people together who are driving this huge transformation of society through the internet, and celebrate their success and share their insight with the next generation of entrepreneurs.”

The manifesto also addresses governmental and cultural issues, arguing against big government on the grounds that it weakens people and creates dependency, and that “no real, sustainable wealth creation ever owed its success to government”.

The mindset in Europe is antagonistic towards entrepreneurs, the paper believes. “It is still counter-cultural to be an entrepreneur in the UK and Europe”, it states, before adding “one reason UK and European entrepreneurs haven’t played on the global stage as much as they should have is because their native cultures don’t encourage them to expect success.” However, it notes that this is changing but must change further.