Get your 2020 employee compensation data here!

Looking for employee compensation data? Take part in our 10th annual Holt-MM&K-Buyouts Insider PE/VC compensation survey. All participants receive an executive summary of the final survey and a steep discount on the full report.

Ready to go? Click the following link to download this year’s survey:

Buyouts Insider 2020 North America Questionnaire

The survey is designed to be filled out by CFOs, directors of human resources or managing general partners on behalf of all the employees of their firms. The deadline to return your survey is Monday, June 1. All responses are kept confidential.

Results will be published in the next edition of the Holt-MM&K-Buyouts Insider Private Equity and Venture Capital Compensation Report, North American Edition, due out this fall.

If you’d prefer the survey be emailed to you, please request a copy from Research Editor Matt Cutler at