Omniture Inc.

Orem, Utah • 801-722-7000 •

Exchange and Ticker: Nasdaq: OMTR

Filing Range: 8.7M shares @ $7.50 to $9.00

Offering Price: $6.50

Close on First Day: $6.53

Close on 6/30/2006: $7.29

Offering Size: $69.6M

Market Capitalization on 6/30/2006: $328.8M

Shares Outstanding: 45.1M

Underwriter: Morgan Stanley

Co-managers: Deutsche Bank Securities Corp./JP Morgan

Company Counsel: Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

Manager Counsel: Fenwick & West LLP

Auditor: Ernst & Young LLP

DESCRIPTION Develops Web analytics technology for online businesses. The company’s technology is used to measure site traffic, advertising effectiveness, sources of sales and e-commerce transactions. The company was formerly known as

VENTURE BACKERS Attractor Investment Management, BA Venture Partners, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners.

Source: Thomson FInancial