Synchronoss Technologies Inc.

Bridgewater, N.J. • 908-547-1250 •

Exchange and Ticker: Nasdaq: SNCR

Filing Range: 6.5M shares @ $9.00 to $11.00

Offering Price: $8.00

Close on First Day: $8.85

Close on 6/30/2006: $8.68

Offering Size: $56.5M

Market Capitalization on 6/30/2006: $211.8M

Shares Outstanding: 24.4M

Underwriter: Goldman Sachs & Co.

Co-manager: Thomas Weisel Partners LLC

Company Counsel: Gunderson Dettmer Stough Villeneuve Franklin&Hachi

Manager Counsel: Ropes & Gray

Auditor: Ernst & Young LLP

DESCRIPTION Provides e-commerce service fulfillment and order management to the telecom marketplace by simplifying technology complexities through integrating disparate systems. The company enables communication service providers and Fortune 500 enterprise customers to deliver SLA-backed service to their subscribers across wireline, wireless and broadband networks.

VENTURE BACKERS ABS Ventures, Ascent Venture Partners, C&T Access Ventures, Green Mountain Advisors Inc., Liberty Venture Partners Inc., Rosewood Capital LP.

Source: Thomson Financial