LGT Capital Partners

LGT Capital Partners is one of Europe’s leading private equity and hedge fund investors and fund-of-funds managers, with over E1.8 billion in private equity assetsand over E800 million in hedge funds on a global basis. LGT Capital Partners is based in Switzerland.

LGT Capital Partners acts both as principal investor and investment manager, with clients investing alongside the team’s own capital.

This guarantees a perfect alignment of client and team interests.

As a principal investor, LGT Capital Partners’ primary objective is to achieve superior risk-adjusted returns by accessing and actively investing in the most promising private equity and hedge fund investment opportunities worldwide.

Among other vehicles, LGT Capital Partners’ dedicated team of over 35 alternative investment professionals (with 13 nationalities represented) is responsible for the investment management of two investment companies both listed on the SWX Swiss Exchange

and on the Luxembourg stock exchange since 1997: Castle Private Equity and Castle

Alternative Invest.