33,000 and Counting…

Every time the PE Week Wire adds another thousand subscribers, I like to remind you that this free service is just a tiny speck in our editorial universe. To traverse the entire cosmos, however, you must become a paid subscriber.

So whip out that corporate credit card, and buy ayear’s worth ofBuyouts Magazine, Private Equity Week and/or Venture Capital Journal. They make wonderful gifts for the entire family (I wanted Grand Theft Auto, but this is so much cooler, says grateful son to beaming father). Each subscription includes both a print publication and website access, in which youll find in-depth deal news, fund news, market analysis, features and proprietary data. Plus, they even have bylined stories of mine, minus all of those Wire-like typos.
To subscribe, just send an email to Greg Winterton, or ring him at 646-223-6787. If youre interested in advertising on peHUB Wire or peHUB.com get in touch with our ad guy Bob Raidt. As always, thanks for reading.