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Iris Dorbian

CIVC Partners Fund VII's LPs include insurance companies, fund of funds, pension programs, foundations and endowments, and family offices located across North America and Europe.
The fund's LPs include pension plans, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, endowments, fund of funds and family offices.
Fund VI raised $8 billion and Mid-Cap Fund II raised $1.7 billion.
Private wealth BNP Paribas
The fund's limited partners include and university endowments, single- and multi-family offices and outsourced CIOs.
Trivest Recognition Fund will focus on exclusively on founder-led and family-owned businesses with EBITDA greater than $15 million.
Aterian Opportunities II will be used to buy Vander-Bend Manufacturing Inc from Aterian Investment Partners II.
The fund will invest in the development of late-stage clinical programs from pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the U.S., UK, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.
Brynwood Partners IX's limited partners include pension funds, insurance companies, fund-of-funds, endowments, foundations, and family offices.
Based in Tampa, Florida, Apex is a residential HVAC, plumbing and electrical services company.
Norvestor IX's LPs include endowments, foundations, government agencies, insurance companies, pension funds, fund of funds and family offices from the Americas, Europe and Asia.

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