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Buyouts staff

Women make up less than one-tenth of senior executives in private equity and most of them can be found in investor relations and marketing, according to data from Preqin. There are also more senior-level women in venture capital than PE, Preqin said. At VC firms women comprise 11 percent of senior executives and 29 percent […]
Carlyle Group, private equity, Sandra Horbach, women
In 2016, Buyouts put together articles featuring Women in Private Equity with the theme of “Trailblazers,” or up-and-coming women shaking up the predominantly white male PE industry. This year, we’re doing it again but with a slightly different theme. Instead of featuring future stars, we’re focusing on women executives at all levels doing their part to […]
Hiring, women,
“Leaning in” is good advice for women in private equity, but firms need to be flexible about career paths to accommodate employees with children, sick parents or other issues, said Sandra Horbach, managing director and co-head of U.S. buyouts at Carlyle Group. “We will lose really good talent unless we become more adaptable to our […]
Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, presidency, debate, private equity, American Investment Council, James Maloney, Sen. Pat Toomey, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Sen. Mark Kirk
Editor’s note: The interactive graphics embedded in this story no longer work because they were built with Google’s Fusion Tables technology, which Google discontinued on December 3, 2019. Buyouts will update the graphics if a technical solution becomes available.  By Sam Sutton Private equity executives made political contributions to unabashed liberals, pragmatic Democrats, Republican centrists […]
Chart, decline
The percentage of women holding senior roles at buyout firms dropped for the second year in a row, according to data from Preqin. Just 7.3 percent of senior positions at buyout firms are currently held by women, down from 7.5 percent last year and 9 percent in 2014, Preqin reported. For private equity overall — which Preqin […]
Selection Choice Subtraction Capital
A significant event happened in early 2013: a new venture capital fund was born. This may not sound so significant to you, but it was significant to me and my partners at Subtraction Capital. We wanted to return to the origins of venture capital, a boutique tradecraft where successful entrepreneurs used their new-found wealth and […]
Deal makers and employees at private equity firms are expected to receive the biggest bonus increases this year on Wall Street, according to a forecast by compensation consulting firm Johnson Associates, Reuters reported.
Initial public offerings surged in the second quarter as mergers and acquisitions remained nearly static.
Sponsors exited companies via M&A at a far slower pace in the first quarter than they did at year-end, although total disclosed deal value remained strong, suggesting they were able to take advantage of rising deal prices.
Download the latest “Ratings Wrap-Up 2015-2016” table below to see what portfolio companies have gotten distressed ratings in 2015-2016. Ratings Wrap-Up 2015-2016

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